President Obama claims to be a friend to Israel, although he is putting his re-election ahead of Israel’s right to self defense. He can’t be trusted to keep Israel’s plans to attack Iran secret (Donald Rumsfeld), and he feels more “empathy and sympathy for Israel’s enemies than he does for Israel” (Mayor Giuliani).

Gov. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, has made it clear that once the Romney administration takes over, Israel will once again enjoy our full support, and that the U.S. will stand by the Jewish state when it must act to defend itself.

By the way, in the list of Top 10 Non-Jews Positively Influencing the Jewish Future 2012, Romney ranks #1. Obama isn’t even on the list. Other Americans, like NBC Sportscaster Bob Costas, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and New Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch made the list, but Obama is no where to be seen. 

Obviously, Rumsfeld and Giuliani weren’t the only ones to notice the strained relations between the Obama White House and Israel.