As I wrote on Aug. 16, a growing number of Special Ops personnel are going on the record against intelligence leaks coming out of the Obama White House. At the same time, a growing number of troops and salt-of-the-earth Americans are getting increasingly sick of hearing Obama take credit for the death of Osama bin Laden or of watching Obama grin while one of his surrogates gives him credit.

Case in point, while introducing Obama at a campaign event in New Hampshire on Aug. 18, Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen said, “And let’s not forget that this is the commander in chief who finally led the mission that brought Osama bin Laden to justice.”

Honestly folks, how can any politician attribute leading the mission to Obama? The mission was planned and conducted by SEAL Team Six and commanders associated with them: to claim otherwise is simply to magnify the leaks by adding the insult of arrogance.

Former SEAL Team Six commander Ryan Zinke knows this, and has started a Super PAC “which is dedicated to supporting Mitt Romney and slamming President Obama on leaks and politicizing bin Laden’s death.”

Zinke’s PAC is called “Special Operations for America.”