Recent reports revealed that Iran and Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood were strengthening ties. Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi is actually traveling to Iran later this month for the Non-Aligned Movement Summit. And now, reports indicate that North Korean President Kim Jong Un is traveling to Tehran to take part in that very conference as well.

The Obama administration has spoken out against Iran hosting the summit, particularly citing the fact that Iran’s failure to comply with international demands concerning its nuclear program makes it unfit to hold such a summit.

It is precisely the nuclear programs of Iran and North Korea that are most troubling when one considers what may be growing ties between these two nations. 

Kim Jong Un is reportedly trying to take North Korea in a direction slightly different from the direction in which his father took it. But if his trip to Iran is meant to show the world anything, right now it appears that it’s a lesson on how things can be different yet the same. 

These two rogue nations with nuclear ambitions ought not be allowed to form close ties.