Politico is reporting that Mark Bowden has a new book out on October 16 titled, “The Finish: The Killing of Osama bin Laden,” which is based on sources inside the Pentagon, the CIA, the White House, and Navy Seals past and present. 

Whether intended as a balance to the crushing revelations of Obama’s weakness contained within Frank Miniter’s “Leading From Behind” is not known, but Bowden does seem to allude to Miniter-style reports when he says: “Although some recent accounts have sought to diminish the role played by President Obama, my reporting shows that he was instrumental in pushing the effort to find bin Laden, in supervising its planning, and in commanding its execution.”

While these claims will probably find mass appeal with Dem. Senators like Jeanne Shaheen, who recently said Obama “led the mission” that killed bin Laden, it’s a safe bet that former SEAL Team Six commander Ryan Zinke and the SEALS behind “Dishonorable Disclosures” will want no part of it.