Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has made it clear that whether the U.S. helps Israel strike Iran or not, the U.S. will be held accountable for any strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Nasrallah claims that Iran and Hezbollah have planned a joint response to any attack on Iran, and he promises that response “will be very great.” 

Reports suggest that Nasrallah may be trying to push Obama to go even further than he’s already gone trying to to restrain Israel from attacking. Since the Obama administration has already indicated the U.S. will not take part in the attacks should they happen, it is believed Nasrallah senses a weakness in the U.S. which he may be able to manipulate.

If Nasrallah’s threats are true, this puts the Obama administration in a tough spot. Because it means that Hezbollah has thrown down the gauntlet by planning to retaliate against the U.S. whether they take part in strikes on Iran or not.