According to a French surgeon treating fighters in Syria, foreign Islamists are pouring into the country, joining rebels to fight the regime of Bashar Al-Assad. Jacques Beres worked in a hospital in northern Syria; he explained that well over 6 in 10 fighters he treated were from abroad. “It’s really something strange to see,” he said. “They are directly saying that they aren’t interested in Bashar al-Assad’s fall, but are thinking about how to take power afterwards and set up an Islamic state with sharia law to become part of the world Emirate.”

Beres has changed his mind on the issue; several months ago, he maintained that the uprising was entirely grassroots and domestic in nature.

During the Democratic National Convention, no speaker mentioned Syria in any relevant context. President Obama’s aid in turning the Middle East into an Islamist hotbed is now reaping its latest casualties in Syria.