The Obama Administration is letting Israel twist slowly in the wind. The Israeli government, desperately trying to convince the U.S. government to draw a line in the sand that Iran must not cross, is pleading to a president deaf, unconcerned, and blasé about Israel’s demise. Obama and his friends have cunningly stated that specific demands of Iran would harm their diplomatic efforts.

Obama’s officials say that sanctions are starting to hurt Iran and there was still time for negotiation. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said:

The president has said, again and again, unequivocally, that we will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon. So we are absolutely firm about the president’s commitment here, but it is not useful to be parsing it, to be setting deadlines one way or the other, red lines.

Israeli officials responded:

Without a clear red line, Iran will not cease its race toward its nuclear weapon. These statements will not stop Iran’s centrifuges from spinning. Unfortunately, the opposite could be true; US statements will not serve to deter Iran, but will put it at ease.

Last week, the IAEA admitted that Iran had doubled the number of centrifuges spinning at Qom.

The Israelis had hoped for red lines that might preclude Iran from moving its nuclear facilities underground, producing higher enriched uranium, or developing a nuclear warhead. Obama has refused to draw any of these lines.

When a nuclear warhead lands on Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, will Obama dance in the streets the way Palestinians did on 9/11?