When Barack Obama hailed the Arab spring last year and hastened the exit of Egyptian strongman and long time US ally Mubarak, the Administration predicted the policy would bear fruit.

Today, on the eleventh anniversary of 9-11, it has.

Egyptian protesters delivered a strong  9-11 anniversary message to the United States by tearing down the American flag at our embassy in Cairo.

Ahramonline, the “the English-language news web site published by Al-Ahram Establishment, Egypt’s largest news organisation,” reported on Tuesday:

Egyptian protesters on Tuesday took down the American flag from the walls of the US embassy in Cairo during a thousands-strong demonstration held to protest a short film produced by US based Coptic-Christians that critics say demeans Islam and the Prophet Mohammed.

A number of protesters managed to climb atop the walls surrounding the embassy, while others were able to breach the embassy’s garden, where they removed an American flag and replaced it with another one bearing the Islamic declaration of faith: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is the Prophet of Allah.” . . .

Protesters carried signs condemning the alleged insults to Prophet Mohammed, while others vowed vengeance. Some protesters demanded the embassy’s closure.

“Obama, Obama there are still a billion Osamas,” they chanted in reference to slain Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

Other protesters wrote “There is no God but Allah and Mohamed is the Prophet of Allah” on the embassy’s main gate, obscuring the sign reading “Embassy of the United States.”