Today, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced that the US no longer had knowledge of the whereabouts of some Syrian chemical weapons, and admitted that those weapons may have been funneled to rebels or Iranian proxies. “There has been intelligence that there have been some moves that have taken place,” said Panetta. “Where exactly that’s taken place, we don’t know.”

Panetta maintained that the most dangerous weapons were the ones still in possession of the Syrian government. But “with regards to the movement of some of this and whether or not they’ve been able to locate some of it, we just don’t know.”

The Obama administration’s policy on Syria has been muddled, to say the least. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton maintained that current Syrian dictator Bashar Assad was “a reformer” last year. This year, the Obama administration has called for Assad to step down. Meanwhile, they’ve been funneling non-monetary resources to Syrian rebels, even though nobody really knows the political stance of the rebels.

In all of this chaos, the most important element – weapons of mass destruction – has been lost in the shuffle, putting us and our allies at risk. Just another check mark in the Obama Doctrine ledger of incompetence.