Even as Obama and Ahmadinejad deny that any nuclear negotiations have been entered into by the U.S. and Iran, Senior Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett is reportedly negotiating with Tehran on Obama’s behalf. 

If true this claim could confirm the New York Times‘ earlier report that various members of the Obama administration were “engaged in secret talks with Iran aimed at establishing a direct line of communication once the presidential elections are over.”

The Obama administration’s denials of any talks were so strident that the Times tried to edit their original story so as to mask any assertion to the contrary. Israeli officials even dismissed the report by saying they would have known if such talks were going on. 

But now, State Department officials say the talks have been going on for several months. And it seems the talks, like Obama’s alleged three decisions to pass on killing Osama bin Laden before May 2011, were Valerie Jarrett’s call.