According to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Republican attacks on embattled UN Ambassador Susan Rice for her role in the cover-up of information surrounding the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi are “outrageous.” Reid released a statement today condemning Senate Republicans for their interest in holding Rice accountable for her statements to the American public:

The personal attacks against Ambassador Rice by certain Republican senators have been outrageous and utterly unmoored from facts and reality.  I am shocked that senators would continue these attacks even when the evidence – including disclosures from the intelligence community about the information she presented – have made it clear that the allegations against Ambassador Rice are baseless, and that she has done absolutely nothing wrong.

Ambassador Rice’s service as United States Ambassador to the United Nations has been impeccable. She has answered all questions raised in relation to the Benghazi attacks completely and repeatedly. The Senate committees of jurisdiction are in the midst of examining the events leading up to the Benghazi attacks, and I agree with those – including the ranking Republican members of both the Intelligence and Homeland Security committees – who have said we should let the committees do their work.  There should be no place for such blatant partisanship in oversight of our nation’s intelligence community. 

The election is over. It is time to drop these partisan political games, and focus our attention on the real challenges facing us as a nation.

This is demagoguery at its finest. Which allegations, exactly, are wrong? She repeated false talking points. Period. As to her service at the United Nations, it has been far from impeccable. She has not even come close to answering all questions about her involvement in the Benghazi cover-up. As for blatant partisanship, the only partisans here are the ones suggesting that attacks on Rice are racist and sexist.

This has nothing to do with the election. It never did, for Republicans. The only people who worried about the election are Democrats who wanted to push all answers off beyond Obama’s re-election. They succeeded. Now they must answer questions.