As protesters continue to gather in Cairo’s Tahrir square to oppose Mohamed Morsi’s power grab, reports allege the Muslim Brotherhood is paying thugs to break up the protests by “beating up” male protesters and “sexually assault women.”

Protesters claim there have been 20 attacks in the last 10 days, and women who’ve been assaulted are starting to talk about the tactics that were used to isolate them and make the attacks possible. 

For example, a female protester named Yasmine says she was videoing the hundreds of thousands gathering in the square when 50 men surrounded her and isolated her from the rest of the crowd. They then allegedly grabbed her breasts,  ripped off her clothes, and “indecently assaulted her with their hands.”

Yasmine was treated so roughly that she suffered internal injuries and was bed-ridden for a week.

Female journalist Afaf el-Sayed says she too was molested in Tahrir Square, and she was sure her attackers were “thugs from the Muslim Brotherhood.”

A man who claims he is being paid by the Muslim Brotherhood for this purpose, said: “We are told to go out and sexually harass girls so they leave the demonstration.” He said that once the assault starts, “members of the public sometimes [join] in.”

And just think, when Morsi was elected president the Obama White House said it was “a milestone in Egypt’s transition to democracy.”