Under protest for his decision to seize unprecedented and near-unlimited powers, Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi is digging in by calling out tanks to encircle the presidential palace.

Morsi now claims the “thugs” who have been causing violence in the streets, mingling among protesters, and wreaking havoc are not tied to him but are left overs from the Mubarak regime. In light of this, he vowed to push forward with “a referendum on an Islamic-backed constitution,” regardless of protests.

In the midst of the outbreak of violence over Morsi’s power grab, President Obama has called him to express his concern over the loss of life; of particular concern are those killed between Wednesday and Thursday as a result of Morsi’s supporters seeking to suppress those protesting the president’s power grab.

Amid the violence, Morsi keeps speaking of “opening a door for dialogue and compromise.” Yet these words seem empty to the Egyptian people as Muslim Brotherhood thugs continue to visit violence against protesters. 

Egyptian Initiative for Personal Right’s Hossam Bahgat says, “I never thought I’d say this, but even Mubarak was more savvy when he spoke in a time of crisis.”