As it turns out, the children of Great Britain understand far better than their parents the reasons for the collapse of Western Civilization: lack of children, and lack of two-parent heterosexual homes. A poll of British parents showed that topping the list of children’s most-requested Christmas gifts was a sibling (Britain’s birth rate is below replacement levels, with most non-immigrant British children not having a sibling). Slightly lower down on the list was a “dad” – Britain’s single motherhood rate is 21 percent. “Less than half” of single parents have a job, and most live off of state assistance. Seventy percent of the criminals in Britain come from one-parent homes.

In the United States, the birth rate is just above replacement levels – barely. And the single motherhood rate is skyrocketing, with half of all births to women under 30 now out of wedlock, and 73 percent of all black children born out of wedlock (compared with 29 percent of white children). Illegitimacy is highly correlative with poverty in the United States, just as it is in Britain.