Anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment on American college campuses is growing as those leftist institutions join with the Left worldwide to stand against Israel. One of the groups fighting back is the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), which has since 1982 fought for accurate reporting in the Middle East.

On January 28th at noon, CAMERA’s Campus Activist Program (CCAP) is sponsoring a major rally at the University of New Orleans with Allies of Israel, a pro-Israel student organization. The event is titled Declare Your Freedom: A Rally to Stand for Liberty.

Dr. Daniel Pipes, the president of the Middle East Forum, will be the keynote speaker.

Chloé Valdary, a sophomore and president of Allies For Israel, said:

We want this rally to be the starting point for a larger global movement. We want it to inspire people to stand up for the liberties we enjoy in this country and to speak out against the rampant Jew-hatred that is permeating the globe. We recognize that where hatred of Jews is allowed to grow and fester, personal freedom and democracy are soon attacked and we cannot let this happen.

Allies of Israel has a new video campaign called ‘Once and For All.’ The organization is looking for ten thousand dollars to produce a music video that pays homage to recent victims of anti-Semitism, such as Miriam Monsenego and the Fogel Family that was brutally murdered in their home by Palestinian terrorists. Allies For Israel will sell items at the rally as well as accept donations in that effort.

Valdary continued:

It is important that American leaders, especially those who shape American foreign policy,  recognize exactly what our ally Israel is facing. There are many, for example, both Hamas and Fatah, who seek its destruction because it is a nation dedicated to the self-determination of the Jewish people. Many of us in the West are unaware of this fact. As Americans we must stand boldly against the unjust demonization of the state of Israel. ‘Declare Your Freedom,’ will be a major step in the fight to change this.

Allies of Israel will also be part of the “Less Hamas, More Humus” campaign, which shows how Hamas incites hatred through television shows, mosque sermons, and other platforms.

Valdary concluded:

As Americans, we must realize that our values are the same values that Israel prides itself on. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and so forth, are all values that both our countries endorse and strive to propagate. So, when we speak out for Israel, we are, in affect speaking out for American values, but much more than that, we are standing up for human rights.”

Valdary can be contacted at