Former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) has spent a lot of time pressing for international reductions in nuclear arsenals.

And since joining hands with the anti-nuclear weapons group Global Zero in 2009, Hagel has not only supported a nuclear weapons-free America, but has even advocated unilateral U.S disarmament, “if necessary.”

Hagel has also joined the board of directors for the Ploughshares Fund–a group which funds research into “nuclear disarmament and arms control.”

Because Hagel aspires to the role of Sec. of Defense, these efforts toward nuclear disarmament are problematic, to say the least. Especially when one considers that now is a time when America has to update its nuclear arsenal and nuclear delivery devices. (Both the arsenal and the delivery devices are growing old.)

In other words, now is a time when America must be advancing various aspects of its nuclear weapons program, not cutting back. 

Hagel appears to be 180 degrees out of sync on these things.