Americans For A Strong Defense (ASD) has launched a multi-state advertising campaign to convince Senators and their constituents that Secretary of Defense nominee Chuck Hagel is the wrong man for the job.

ASD goes out of their way to make it clear they are grateful for Hagel’s military service during Vietnam, but they believe his confirmation as Sec. of Defense would “send a dangerous message to our adversaries and weaken our ability to defend ourselves.”

With their newly launched campaign, ASD highlights the fact that we live in a dangerous world where Iran and North Korea pose serious threats to the United States. And if Hagel proved anything while a Senator, it was the fact that he wasn’t willing to take a strong stand against Iran and other terror-affiliated regimes which were already posing serious threats at that time.

ASD boils it down to this–Hagel demonstrates “out-of-the-mainstream views” and he is the “wrong choice for Defense Secretary.”