Amid reports that former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) may be withdrawing his name from consideration for Secretary of Defense, one of Hagel’s aides has issued a clear statement: “There is absolutely no truth to the notion that Senator Hagel might consider withdrawing. He is continuing his prep work and getting up to speed on the issues he will deal with as Secretary of Defense.”

Rumors that perhaps Hagel might pull out have been effervescing since the Weekly Standard drew attention to author Thomas Ricks’ speculation that “for every business day” that passes without confirmation hearings, the likelihood of Hagel jumping ship rises by “two percent.”

Democrats now claim the reason for the delay in a confirmation vote is due to Republican requests for more documents relating to Hagel’s income sources. Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) said that by doing this, the Republicans exhibit a double standard.

Wrote Levin: “The committee cannot have two different sets of financial disclosure standards for nominees, one for Senator Hagel and one for other nominees.”