Free and democratic Taiwan is poised to lose control of nearly 50% of their print industry to Tsai Eng-Meng, an “Asian media kingpin who is a close sympathizer with the Chinese Communist Party.” 

This includes the loss of “Taiwan’s most powerful and independent media organization, Next Media.”

In other words, the Taiwanese people who have long been accustomed to living under the threat of communist China’s military might, are now preparing to see what it will be like to live under the de facto censorship of a media mogul with strong loyalties to the Chinese Communist Party.

Tsai is chairman of the Want Want China Times, and his media outlets are already known for pushing a bias favoring Beijing. 

Moreover, he has been “a vocal supporter of unification between communist China and democratic Taiwan,” so his takeover of such a large portion of Taiwan’s media could put the Taiwanese people in a position of fighting for democracy all over again

Although the sale is pending and will not be completed until late March, Taiwan’s “annual press freedom index has already fallen” in anticipation of the deal going through.