A source claims that “in 2012 federal law enforcement received tips from inside a Boston mosque about two young Muslims… who were becoming radicalized into anti-American zealots.” Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the now-deceased suspected Boston bomber, was allegedly one of those radicals.

The source claims an informant for the Boston-area Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) tipped federal authorities off.

Another source who was “formerly assigned to a U.S. JTTF,” said that exchanges between various agencies on the information gathered in 2012 did not take place as it should have. He said those pursuing the terrorists were more “interested in catching the younger terrorist alive, and interrogating him, than in worrying about what the different agencies knew and when they knew it.”

A source from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says the FBI believes an “organized radical element” in Massachusetts may have been assisting Tamerlan. Consequently, they are now reviewing information gathered from a mosque in hopes of “[identifying] Tamerlan’s friends in Boston’s Muslim community.”