When you think of our troops who are fighting for our freedoms, what comes to mind? Courage, honor, bravery, determination, and selfless sacrifice are just a few words that I think of to try and describe our fearless warriors, who are willing to sacrifice so much and, if need be, even their lives.  

They sign a blank check made out to you and me when they join the military. My son Marc Alan Lee filled in that check on Aug 2, 2006 with his blood, giving his life and becoming the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. He was not alone, though; so many of our troops through the centuries have died defending our freedoms and this homeland that they so loved and respected. 

I personally know the cost of our freedoms and have met thousands and thousands of these amazing warriors and their families. Since Marc’s death I have dedicated my life to honoring and supporting these brave heroes. I did not choose the news that was given to me on Aug 2, but I did choose how I responded, and I’m honored to be able to do this for our troops.

Marc wrote an amazing letter a few weeks before he was killed that has impacted millions and millions of people around the world. It would be the last letter that we would receive from him, and we call it his “Glory Letter.” He ends that letter with: “to my family and friends, do me a favor, pass on the kindness, the love, the precious gift of human life.”

I accepted that challenge and, through AmericasMightyWarriors.org and MoveAmericaForward.org, continue to fulfill that mission.

It has been my honor to participate in every Troopathon to raise funds to send care packages to our troops deployed in the combat zone. It’s the least I can do for those who are sacrificing for me and for the freedoms I enjoy every day.

I have been to Iraq twice and personally delivered these goodies to our troops and witnessed how deeply it impacts them. It wasn’t unusual to see a tear trickling down their cheek as they opened these packages and realized that a stranger back home took the time to tell them they are not forgotten–that they are loved and the sacrifice they are making to defend us and our freedoms is appreciated.

I am excited that this year for Troopathon VI our co-hosts will be Gov. Mike Huckabee, Larry O’Connor, Melanie Morgan, and me. June 27th from 1-8 PM, we will be broadcasting live from the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, CA. We will be joined by an amazing lineup of celebrities who also recognize where their freedoms come from and want to support our brave heroes. You can join us from anywhere around the world at troopathon.org, and you can also watch LIVE here on Breitbart.com.  

I need your help; our troops need your support to let them know that we have not forgotten them.

My son selflessly gave his final breath defending his teammates and your freedoms. To honor and remember him and all of our fallen warriors, let’s make sure that their brothers at arms who are still in the fight are taken care of. I ask you to consider Marc’s challenge “to pass on the kindness, the love, the precious gift of human life.”

Find out how to send a care package at troopathon.org or call 866-866-6372.

God bless you for your faithful support and generosity!