According to a report in the New York Post, prisoners at Guantánamo Bay are so pampered that even hunger strikers gain weight. 

The report shows that far from facing the kind of hardships we might naturally associate with being imprisoned, Gitmo inmates ate so much food a few years ago that treadmills were ordered for them so they could lose weight. Then, when it was learned the treadmills had not been made in a Muslim country the machines were sent back and new treadmills–“made in a Muslim part of the world”–were purchased.

All of this to keep our prisoners happy.

An anonymous official with firsthand knowledge of the treadmill fiasco describes Gitmo detainees as “some of the most pampered prisoners on the planet.”

According to him, “Islamic prayer beads and rugs” are now “standard issue” and the prisoners “get their choice of more than 10,000 Islamic books and videos stocked by a Muslim librarian, who also records soccer and Arabic TV for them.”

By the way, the prisoners also have access to a new $750,000 soccer field.

On top of these things, detainees have succeeded in persuading “prison officials to stop raising the American flag anywhere they can see it.”

The one thing we do not give to Gitmo inmates is a Bible, for fear that the presence of Bibles could “incite” a riot. 

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