In the latest round of violence in Egypt, at least 51 people were killed in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood members and the Egyptian Army near a military building in Cairo.

A leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mahmoud Badia, used the occasion to vilify Jewish people, saying, “even the Jews have never done to Egypt what the army did.”

A majority of the dead were members of the Muslim Brotherhood, with another 435 people injured, and there were differing accounts of what truly occurred. The army asserts that the soldiers who fired on the mob were responding to the Muslim Brotherhood members who were trying to murder them. A spokesman said, “We were attacked from rooftops by firebombs and bricks. According to international law, we have a right to defend strategic sites and facilities, which the group was attacking.”

The Muslim Brotherhood claimed they were holding a peaceful sit-in, and they were praying when the army opened fire.

Additionally, the Brotherhood claimed that the army had shot children and distributed photos of dead children who had been shot. But the army spokesman responded, “This is not true. They are using photos from the civil war in Syria. The army killed its enemies, not children.”

Meanwhile, Egypt’s temporary President Adli Mansour said he will establish a commission of inquiry regarding the incident.