Thursday July 11th marked the ten month anniversary of the terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya. I have not forgotten. Nor have I forgotten that’s it’s been 65 days since the last public congressional hearing on Benghazi (Victoria Nuland’s confirmation hearing last week notwithstanding). 

I’ve also not forgotten that it’s been 81 days since the five House Committee chairmen who share jurisdiction on the Benghazi attack released their 43-page so-called interim progress report on the investigation. It’s worth noting that the email sent by the House Republican Conference that circulated the report stated: “The Committees intend to fulfill their responsibility to the American people to continue to explore these issues in the weeks and months ahead.” The American people are still waiting for answers. 

Similarly, I have not forgotten that Congressman Frank Wolf’s resolution to create a select committee to thoroughly investigate Benghazi has 160 co-sponsors – more than two-thirds of the House Republican caucus and more than enough support to merit a vote on the House floor. Speaker John Boehner and Leader Eric Cantor don’t want a vote because they trust their five committee chairmen to get the job done. The reality is, the committees have enough scandals to manage, and time is running out.

As a former congressional investigator, I realize that public hearings alone do not tell the entire story of a successful or unsuccessful investigation. But in the case of Benghazi over the past two months, at a time when you’d assume an investigation would be hitting its peak heading into August recess, it’s been disappointingly quiet.

I have also not forgotten that we are 61 days from the one year anniversary of the Benghazi attack. Will Congress hold more hearings? Will Congress issue a thorough report? Will the Justice Department and FBI issue an update or return an indictment? Will President Obama be forced to remember? Will anyone be held accountable?

I have not forgotten.