Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are using the internet to keep attention focused on Hezbollah’s acquisition of weapons throughout the years and their subsequent, continuing threat to Israel and the world. 

For example, on July IDF released a report on the IDF Blog showing that Hezbollah has spent the last seven years “dramatically [expanding] its arsenal of weapons.”

Because of this, after firing over “4,000 rockets at Israeli civilians” during the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Hezbollah now has “60,000 rockets and missiles near Israel’s border.”  In fact, Hezbollah has so many weapons that in 2010 former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said Hezbollah “has more missiles than most governments in the world.”

Other reports on the IDF Blog describe the range of Hezbollah’s missiles–“they can reach every part of Israel”–while still others map out Hezbollah’s “worldwide terror attacks,” explain Hezbollah’s use of civilians as human shields, and present Hezbollah as “Iran’s proxy.”

The IDF Blog has a link on its homepage marked “Hezbollah“–clicking it will take you to the various reports.

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