On Sunday, at the weekly Israeli Cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the new Iranian President, who had said Israel “has been a wound on the body of the Islamic world.” Netanyhau said:

The President of Iran has been replaced, but the goal of the regime has not been replaced, it remains as it was. Iran’s intention is to develop a nuclear capability and nuclear weapons in order to destroy the State of Israel, and this constitutes a danger not only to us and the Middle East, but the entire world, and we are all committed to prevent this.

Netanyahu made it clear that the sovereignty of Jerusalem, the heart of the Jewish people, would remain inviolate. He asserted:

Today, we will pass a Government decision on an updated list of national priority communities. With this list we will decide which additional communities are eligible to receive priority arrangements. There is one community that is always on our priority list, it is always above all of them, and that community, of course, is our capital Jerusalem. Jerusalem receives everything that priority list communities receive and more. Therefore, whatever we decide today will apply to Jerusalem. Everything that stems from what we decide today will also apply to Jerusalem and more.

In Jewish Scripture, Jerusalem is mentioned 622 times. It is not mentioned in the Koran.