UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon  said on Monday that there is no bias against Israel in the United Nations. Last week in Jerusalem, Ban said, “Unfortunately because of the conflict, Israel has been weighed down by criticism and suffered from bias – sometimes even discrimination.”

But on Monday in New York, Ban said this:

I don’t think there is discrimination against Israel at the United Nations. The Israeli government maybe raised this issue that there’s some bias against Israel, but Israel is one of the 193 member states. Thus, Israel should have equal rights and opportunities without having any bias, any discrimination. That’s a fundamental principle of the United Nations charter. And thus, Israel should be fully given such rights.

Hmm. In 2006, Secretary General Kofi Anan said, “On one side, supporters of Israel feel that it is harshly judged by standards that are not applied to its enemies. And too often this is true, particularly in some UN bodies.”

For a fairly comprehensive compendium and history of United Nations discrimination against Israel, see here.