Rep. Robert Pittinger (R-NC) said on David Webb’s National Security Special on Syria on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 that America’s hope in resolving the Syria conflict may be in arming refugees to take back their country.

He said that “we need to pursue this with real caution,” but that relying on native Syrians presents a chance to turn things around.

Pittinger said of the Syrian refugees that have in large part fled to the neighboring country of Jordan, “You can equip and train these people.” He explained, “There are tens of thousands of men that are motivated, and they want their country back.”

Webb’s co-host, Kerry Patton, pushed back against Pittinger’s idea of arming refugees: “I find it reprehensible that you claim we can train an army of peasants” to take on the professional militants in Syria. Patton said such a force would have little chance of success.

Former Army Ranger Jack Murphy also chimed in, saying, “I’m skeptical about how much weight you could put on a refugee army, and how much return you would have on that investment.”

He said that this refugee army would be ineffective, prolong the war, and add to the body count, but it would not fix the situation.