Three women were rescued outside of the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya early Sunday morning a day after Muslim terrorists took hostages. The women are not hurt.

On Saturday, at least 10 al-Shabaab jihadists opened fire on innocent civilians, including women and children. Witnesses said they only wanted to kill non-Muslims and they would test the civilians. If the person failed a test, the jihadist would murder them. The Kenyan Red Cross reported 43 are dead, including a Canadian diplomat.

Cecily Ndwiga told the Kenyan Standard how she survived the dreadful night.

“There are still many hostages inside the Mall” she said as she clutched one shoe on her hand.

“I am lucky to be alive… my phone never went dead and I kept communicating with family members in the wake of the tragedy,” she said before being whisked away by her employer.

She looked traumatized and visibly shaken after the ordeal that she went through for over 22 hours at the hands of the terror attackers.

Jepkorir locked herself in an office, prayed all night, and talked to her family and security guards.

“Bullets were being fired over my head and it is my faith in God which helped me. I am lucky to be alive,” she said after her night-long terror.

There are still many hostages in the mall. No one knows how many are left or how many gunmen are contained. As authorities moved closer to the mall they were met by gunfire from the jihadists. Authorities are keeping people as far away from the building as possible.