On Sunday evening, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a crowd in Jerusalem that the Obama administration’s deal with the Iranian regime on nuclear development had overridden international law. “Iran is receiving written approval to violate UN Security Council resolutions,” Netanyahu pointed out, referring to the agreement’s recognition of certain nuclear development on Iran’s part.

Netanyahu continued, “As we learn more and more details about the agreement that was achieved last night in Geneva, it becomes increasingly clear how bad and dangerous this agreement is to the world, the region, and Israel.”

Late Sunday night, Obama finally called Netanyahu, telling him that he wanted to talk with him about negotiating a “comprehensive solution” with Iran – a non-starter for Israel, which rightly distrusts the Iranian regime on nuclear development. Netanyahu said Sunday morning that Israel was “not bound by this agreement,” and called it a “historic mistake.”

Secretary of State John Kerry, however, said that those who don’t like the deal must “tell people what the better alternative is” – ignoring that for years, Israel has proposed even harsher sanctions, with the threat of blockade and military action.