Of the 27 confirmed panels at the Conservative Political Action Conference’s (CPAC) annual policy conference, only 1 is vaguely dedicated to foreign policy. The panel titled, “What Should be America’s Place in the World in 2017…After Obama?” leaves us with more questions than answers. Al Qaeda is on the rise, Iran’s race towards nuclear capacity remains unchecked, The Muslim Brotherhood’s influence is rapidly expanding throughout the globe, America’s alliances are deteriorating day by day, and the military is dissolving down to Pre-WWII levels. Shouldn’t the conservatives of America at their most prominent forum at least have the opportunity to discuss and debate the best course of action for America’s future in foreign affairs?

Last year, partially due to CPAC’s failure to address the critical issues in foreign policy discourse, Breitbart hosted “The Uninvited” panel. The panel consisted of subject matters largely deemed “inappropriate” by the powers that be at CPAC. The panel was inspired by the late Andrew Breitbart and his fundamental philosophy that more voices is always better than less, and more voices leads to greater accountability and citizen engagement. The topics discussed during the “Uninvited” panel included crony capitalism, illegal immigration, global jihad and radical Islam, the persecution of Christians across the globe, and the gutting of the American military. Alarmingly, these issues among many others regarding foreign policy remain more important than ever.

It is not as if the President hasn’t had his fair share of Foreign Policy blunders under his watch. There is a plethora of material suggesting conservatives have plenty to discuss regarding the failures of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy.

Insurmountable evidence is suggesting Al Qaeda, once almost subdued following an aggressive campaign in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, has rapidly expanded its influence throughout the globe. Al Qaeda affiliates and supporters are attributed as being directly responsible for the 9/11/2012 attacks on Benghazi, Libya, that ended in the death of four Americans. Al Qaeda linked groups have developed strongholds in Iraq Syria, and Pakistan, along with much of North and East Africa.

Iran remains unchecked in its rapid ascent towards nuclear weaponization. Under President Obama’s watch, Iran’s centrifuges have expanded from an estimated 5,000 to 19,000. A Bipartisan initiative in the Senate meant to check the Iranian regime’s pursuit of nuclear weapons was met with the threat of a veto from President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. Afterwards, support for the bill quietly died down.

Some argue President Obama’s public insistence upon supporting the overthrow of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak devolved Egypt into a state of indefinite turmoil. With Mubarak gone, Obama proceeded to support Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate Mohamed Morsi, whose overall incompetence lead to a military coup d’etat shortly thereafter. In the aftermath of Egypt’s military takeover, mobs of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood supporters engaged in a campaign of violence and destruction towards Egypt’s Coptic Christians, burning their Churches and killing innocent civillians.

According to a recent Gallup poll, America’s relationship with its allies under the current administration has devolved to the lowest level thus far on record. According to the poll, only 41% of Americans believe other countries around the world have respect for President Obama.

The Pentagon revealed on Monday that it would shrink the size of the US Military to pre-WW2 levels. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said the Pentagon plans both a quantitative reduction in overall army size and a massive monetary deduction in defense spending. Hagel’s plan suggests an active Army of 450,000 troops, along with slashing defense expenditures in addition to the already $487 billion, 10 year defense cuts required under the sequester.

It is not difficult to highlight the many missteps, blunders and overall incompetence of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy. With the United States’ rapidly dissolving prowess throughout the world become more and more apparent, it remains unclear why CPAC continuously disallows Conservative leaders from offering their prescription for reversing America’s downward trajectory in world affairs.

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