CIA personnel who were on the ground when the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate took place are “outraged” to learn the “CIA’s Inspector General never conducted an investigation into what happened.”

Although many in the CIA thought “an investigation was in the works,” such was “not the case.”

According to Fox News, a source close to the issue said, “They should be doing an investigation to see what the chief of base in Benghazi and station chief in Tripoli did that night. If they did, they’d find out there were some major mistakes.”

When asked why an investigation has not taken place, a CIA spokesman said, “CIA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) always reviews carefully every matter that is brought to its attention and takes appropriate action based on a variety of factors.” The OIG says it has already told congressional oversight committees why “it did not open an investigation into Benghazi-related issues.”

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