A crime report email stating, “Penguin attempted to rob Gotham Royal Bank,” and “Killer Croc got stuck in the sewers,” reached the inboxes of some business students attending Canada’s Simon Fraser University. As it turns out, neither the Joker nor a hacker was at fault; it was just a test email that was accidentally sent out by SFU’s web developer.

According to vancitybuzz.com, part of the e-mail, which was titled “Kawabunga,” read “Status: Threat eliminated.” This prompted a jestful tweet from one female student: “Official word Batman, he is keeping #SFU safe,” along with a screen shot of the school’s original email, which also had the school’s official letterhead on it.

Shortly after the error was discovered, an apology email was sent out by a business analyst for the school who made certain to inform students that the mistake was an internal one and they need not worry, as “Our system was not compromised in any way, intruders did not get access to any information.”

Over the years, erroneous emails from universities throughout the United States have popped up in places like Northern California’s UC Berkeley Law School, which accidentally congratulated all 7,000 applicants when they only had room for 850. Southern California’s UC San Diego sent an acceptance letter to thousands of students who were actually rejected. Most recently, New York’s Fordham University sent 2,500 applicants false news of their acceptance.

For now, the students of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business can rest well.