Leaders of India’s ruling Congress Party conceded defeat a day before the official results are even announced according to the Times of India, and a day after Congress Party leader Rahul Gandhi’s image was removed from party headquarters and posters around the country. 

As Senior Party official Rashid Alvi conceded that India’s Congress Party will not be able “influence” the formation of India’s next government, rumors and innuendo swirled through party headquarters in Delhi and throughout the country. This, even as the party was preparing to officially receive the results of India’s nationwide election which ended Tuesday.

Congress Party officials and surrogates have been busy at work preparing for the tsunami of criticism expected to deluge them if poll results, pointing to an historic and crushing defeat for India’s long ruling and dominant political party, come to pass. 

Party leaders have been trying to spread blame as far and wide as possible in an effort to limit some of the opprobrium expected to come crashing down upon Rahul Gandhi, the scion of the dominant Gandhi family. 

While not a part of the current government that most party officials believe to be ultimately responsible for the defeat, Rahul Gandhi, as the son, grandson, and great grandson of three Indian Prime Ministers is inextricably linked to the fortunes of the party so long ruled by his family. 

Formal results are to be announced Friday morning All-India time.