On Monday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slammed President Barack Obama for trading five high-level terrorists for an American prisoner of war who reportedly deserted his troops five years ago and caused at least six soldiers to die while searching for him.

“You blew it again, Barack Obama,” Palin said, slamming Obama for “negotiating away any leverage against the bad guys as these bad guys – Osama Bin Laden’s partners in evil crime – joyfully celebrate their ‘win’ in the deal you sealed.”

In a post titled, “Commander-in-Chief’s Definition of ‘Honorable Service’ Includes Anti-American Actions While in Uniform; He Just Destroyed Troop Morale,” Palin ripped National Security Adviser Susan Rice for saying on Sunday that Bowe Bergdahl had served with “honor and distinction.” 

“No, Mr. President, a soldier expressing horrid anti-American beliefs – even boldly putting them in writing and [unabashedly firing off his messages] while in uniform, just three days before he left his unit on foot – is not ‘honorable service,'” Palin wrote .”Unless that is your standard.”

Palin asked Obama to use the White House Rose Garden to “praise the truly honorable service of our good U.S. troops [who were killed] in their search for Sgt. Bergdahl” and “the soldiers who fought with everything they had to defeat Islamic terrorists, those whom you just freed from prison.”

“Our men gave all. Our surviving combat vets will forever live with the effects of the missions they willingly engaged in to protect you, our country, and certainly their brothers and sisters who are proud to wear the uniform,” she wrote.

As Breitbart News has reported, Taliban leaders have hailed the release of the five prisoners as a “victory.” There have also been reports that Obama may be using using Bergdahl’s exchange as a test case to see if he could empty the Guantanamo prison without notifying Congress. In his 2014 State of the Union address, Obama vowed to close Guantanamo by the end of the year. Bergdahl’s father has also campaigned to get Guantanamo prisoners released.