(Reuters) – Suspected Islamist Boko Haram militants have kidnapped up to 30 women from nomadic settlements in Nigeria’s northeast, close to where the group abducted more than 200 schoolgirls, residents and Nigerian media said.

Villagers from Chibok, where the schoolgirls were grabbed in April, told Reuters on Tuesday they had met nomads fleeing last week’s raids and saying the kidnappers were demanding cattle in exchange for the women.

“One of them named Mohammed told me Boko Haram held the men at gunpoint and moved from hut to hut taking the women,” said Yahaya Musa. “The abductors told them to bring a ransom of cows,” said farmer Yakub Chibok.

Police and army spokesmen said they could not confirm the accounts that women were taken on Thursday in areas outside Chibok.

Read the full story at Reuters.