Two days after conquering Mosul, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)–now simply the Islamic State (IS)–ordered people to send their unmarried women to perform their “jihad by sex” obligation.

According to the Assyrian International News Agency, the decree said:

After liberation of the State of Nineveh, and the welcome shown by the people of the state to their brotherly mujahideen, and after the great conquest, and the defeat of the Safavid [Persian] troops in the State of Nineveh, and its liberation, and Allah willing, it will become the headquarters of the mujahideen. Therefore we request that the people of this state offer their unmarried women so they can fulfill their duty of jihad by sex to their brotherly mujahideen. Failure to comply with this mandate will result in enforcing the laws of Sharia on them.

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