The Islamic State (IS)–formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)–says it is not interested in fighting Israel at this time. Rather, its focus remains fixed on dealing with “Muslims who have become infidels.”

According to Arutz Sheva 7, after being asked about Israel, a spokesman for IS tweeted, “The greatest answer to this question is the Qur’an, where Allah speaks about the nearby enemy–those Muslims who have become infidels–as they are more dangerous than those which were already infidels.”

The spokesman explained that IS’s continued focus on “Muslims who have become infidels” is more important than the “conquest of Jerusalem” because the conquest of Jerusalem will involve more than raw force. 

He reportedly said, “Jerusalem will not be freed until we get rid of the idolaters, such as the wealthy families and the players appointed by the colonial government and who control the fate of the Islamic world.”

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