Via the Daily Mail:

Al-Qaeda is at the gates, and there are enough jihadis within already. Intelligence agencies say the terror network is making inroads into India, sowing the seeds of a “final war” across the country. Information gathered on al-Qaeda’s India plans points to a mobilisation of its resources for jihad. 

The ideological goal of the group, as detailed in the report, is chilling: Ghazwa-e-Hind, or the final battle in India.

Ghazwa-e-Hind refers to an indoctrinated view of a final apocalyptic war in which India will be conquered by a jihadi army. All soldiers of this army are guaranteed a place in heaven. This term is freely used in jihadi circles and on the web, but is considered bizarre by others. 

Sources say the security establishment has been on the trail of launch-pads being set up within the country, and is also in touch with its counterparts in West Asia in order to crack the growing network.

An intelligence report on India being used a hunting ground for global jihad reveals al-Qaeda’s diabolic roadmap. 

To begin with, the terror group that was created and led by Arab fighters now has recruits from Kashmir-centric groups.

“Not only Kashmiri groups but Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates have stakes in the larger scheme of Ghazwa-e-Hind where India is regarded as next battleground in the ‘End of Times’ battle. This ideology is likely to be used to drive Taliban and al-Qaeda affiliates into Kashmir,” says an intelligence report. 

The al-Qaeda nexus with Kashmir-centric groups indicates it has a readymade jihadi framework in India. There is other proof too of al-Qaeda using its nexus with Indian groups to spread its ideology. An online English publication of al-Qaeda called Azan which is not available to the general public but is circulated through changing e-mails and encryption tools is being downloaded by Kashmiri groups. 

Sources say this only underlines the trend of terror groups within India getting attracted to the al-Qaeda and global jihad ideology. Agencies fear that the Azan tactic of spreading the terror group’s ideology could spawn anonymous and isolated modules that will be difficult to detect but potent enough to carry out big attacks. 

Intelligence reports also state that groups like Tehreek-e-Taliban have declared they will open ‘offices’ in Kashmir. It has been revealed that a Taliban flag was hoisted at a point overlooking Srinagar last year, and the walls of Hari Parbat fort were painted with slogans like ‘Welcome Taliban.’

Read the full story at the Daily Mail.