After several minutes of watching State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki attempt to explain the Obama administration’s condemnation of Israeli responses to attacks by Palestinian terrorists, and bizarre insistence that Israel obey a “high standard” (as if it did not), one journalist in the press briefing finally had enough. 

He confronted her with the fact that terrorists deliberately use civilian buildings as cover when attacking Israeli troops. Psaki became unsettled–as if unaware of that basic fact, or unsure how to spin it, or both.

QUESTION: Now when you mentioned high standard, the terrorists are shooting from hotels, they are shooting from schools, they are shooting from houses, which is a high standard to fight against terrorism. What kind of – how can you explain that?

MS. PSAKI: The terrorists are shooting from – I’m sorry.

QUESTION: Yes, from hotels. Today I saw pictures today from the IDF showing that they are shooting from hotels, they are shooting from restaurants, they are shooting from many crazy places that are civilian places. Do you have an idea of what is a high standard to combat terrorism?

MS. PSAKI: I think I’m going to leave it at the statement we issued yesterday.

Note that she cannot define the standard by which she wants to hold Israel–alone–in its conduct of the war.

Neither Psaki nor her bosses want to face the reality of Palestinian terror. Instead, they want to have it both ways–as even the left-leaning journalists pointed out: sending weapons to Israel and then complaining when they are used, or pretending what Israel does is worse than what the U.S. does (honorably) in battle.

And, of course, claiming to be Israel’s strongest ally, while standing first in line to pile on hysterical criticism.

Transcript: State Department