Excerpt from Jerusalem Online: The President’s True Colors Finally Revealed: Op-Ed by Steven Emerson

When I first glanced at the headline on today’s Jerusalem Online and reports in the Jerusalem Post and other Israeli newspapers, I thought they must have been a satire: “Washington officials have told Egypt that the US will guarantee Israel’s commitment to any agreement signed.” But it was not a satire. This was deadly serious, confirmed by other Israeli newspapers and sources in Cairo.

The U.S. offering to Hamas to “guarantee” Israeli commitments to any agreement signed? As if anyone needed proof of the Obama administration’s antipathy to Israel, here it was in black and white. If any party needed a commitment to enforce its agreements in any deal, it would have been Hamas, which has been known to break every commitment it ever made. To pick just a few at random:

Hamas recently violated 9 cease fire agreements, including two of its own.

Hamas illegally siphoned thousands of tons of cement and steel shipments it received from international donors and Israel that it had committed to use to build the civilian infrastructure in Gaza for hospitals, schools and apartment buildings; instead it spent upwards of $500 million of these humanitarian shipments to covertly build numerous tunnels buried deep underground into Israel in order to carry out murderous raids on Israeli civilian communities intended to kill tens of thousands of Israelis.

Read the full piece at the Investigative Project on Terrorism.Org.