Twitter is suspending any account that tweets graphic photos of American journalist James Wright Foley’s execution in Syria along with accounts linked to the Islamic State (IS). IS beheaded Foley and uploaded the video to YouTube, which took it down by late Tuesday evening. However, some accounts slip by Twitter, leaving IS members and supporters’ celebratory tweets about Foley’s execution available.

Steven Sotloff is believed to be the second American man showcased at the end of the video. The Islamic State terrorist executing Foley in the video concludes by stating America’s next decision will determine Sotloff’s fate.

Some accounts tweeted pictures of incidents US soldiers allegedly performed. They asked why the US was not outraged then, ignoring that Americans did protest when incidents such as Abu Gharib came to light. IS also forgets President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 on the promise to close Guantanamo Bay, which is still open.