Zeian Asfura, the mother of Widad Deif, the wife of elusive Hamas leader Muhammed Deif, who, along with her two small children, were killed while sheltering in a Hamas hideout hit in an Israeli air strike that targeted the terror mastermind, told the Sunday Times she would only be too “honored” to marry off both of her other surviving daughters to Deif if it meant they could also be “martyred.”

“It is an honor to have Deif a husband to any of my daughters and be a father to their children,” Asfura said

Deif’s fate remains unclear. Hamas continues to assert that Deif survived last week’s Israeli strike. Israel has remained silent. Deif’s mother-in-law said to the Times of Israel that she was well aware of the possibility her daughter could be harmed as a result of marrying the notorious terrorist killer  back in 2011. “When I agreed to the marriage,” said Asfura, “I consented to a fate of martyrdom for my daughter.”

Rather than condemn her terrorist son-in-law for his responsibility in the deaths of her daughter and two grandchildren, the 61 year old Asfura said she could not be happier. “Should Deif request the hand of any of my other daughters,” she said, speaking as though she believed Deif survived the strike, “I will happily consent and even if she, too, is martyred I will consent to the third.”

Deif is believed by Israel to have ordered the murder of hundreds of Israelis during a three-decade terror spree on behalf of the Gaza based jihadist terror group.