In a press statement Tuesday regarding the report of a second ISIS beheading of an American citizen, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) said that though President Obama stated he “currently has no strategy to deal with ISIS,” a fact that “speaks for itself,” he has “no doubt about the President’s sorrow over the two murders of American citizens by ISIS.”

“I am certain that this grieves him deeply,” stated the Governor, who is considered to be a possible 2016 presidential candidate. “And while grieving is important, it is no substitute for a strategy.”

“Let’s speak very plainly and directly about this – The Obama Administration does not have a strategy at all,” Jindal added. “It’s not that we have a flawed foreign policy; we don’t have a foreign policy.”

“The President appears to simply careen from international crisis to international crisis, with no discernable governing principles,” Jindal said. “The world is safest when America is strongest. A weak America invites chaos. And we are seeing exactly that on the world stage right now.”