After the release of videos showing two American journalists–James Foley and Steven Sotloff–being beheaded by ISIS militants, as well as the videos depicting the mass execution of unarmed Iraqi guards and 250 Syrian guards, Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) says ISIS is simply trying to trick the U.S. into acting quickly and rushing in without a plan.

He says “their leadership will pay the price eventually.” 

Besides blaming George W. Bush for allegedly invading Iraq in 2003 “without a real long term plan,” Senator Udall did not explain why he does not have a plan for stopping ISIS nor could he explain why President Obama continues to say he does not have a strategy against ISIS either. 

Rather, as Breitbart News reported on on September 3, Senator Udall wants to take a “wait-and-see approach that involves appeals to ‘moderate Sunnis,’ continued ‘targeted strikes,’ but no boots on the ground.” And he told 9 News NBC that Obama’s statements about a lack of strategy against ISIS–a lack of strategy coming out of the White House–are being taking out of context. Udall said: “When the president did speak about the lack of strategy, he was specifically mentioning Syria.”

Senator Udall admits there is “legitimate concern” that European members of ISIS elements are trying to infiltrate the United States. He knows ISIS beheaded Americans, that ISIS issued warnings that they will drown all Americans in their blood, and he should know about the tweet from downtown Chicago–hinting at an attack near the Old Republic Building. Yet even after all these things, Senator Udall says ISIS is “[not] an immediate threat to the homeland.”

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