Breitbart Contributor Anne Bayefsky spoke at the UN Headquarters in New York City on Monday.

“I will get right to the point,” she said. “The UN is not having a conference on the threat that global anti-Semitism poses to international peace and security… Why couldn’t the UN, founded on the ashes of the Jewish people, and presently witnessing a widespread resurgence in anti-Semitism, sponsor a conference on combatting global anti-Semitism?” she added.

“The United Nations itself is the leading global purveyor of anti-Semitism,” Bayefsky said to rambunctious applause.

“One does not honor the memory of Jews murdered by intolerance six-decades ago by inciting murderous intolerance towards the remnant of the Jewish people in the here and now,” she added.

Bayefsky went on to list official actions sponsored by UN bodies in which anti-Semitism was promulgated.

“Inciting to hate, like declaring Israel to be racist, as does the UN Durbin declaration, the flagship of the UN racist anti-racism program of action.

In theory the UN charter demands equality both of individual men and women, and of nations large and small. In reality, the UN mass-produces inequality for Jews and the Jewish nation.

Thirty-five percent of all resolutions and decisions ever adopted by the UN’s top human rights body, the Human Rights Council, that are critical of the rights’ records of specific states, condemn one state: Israel. That’s anti-Semitism. Fifty percent. Fifty percent of the special sessions of the general assembly over six decades were convened to denounce Israel. No emergency special session has been called on any other state in over thirty years. That’s anti-Semitism. The human rights council has a fixed agenda with one item to condemn to Israel at every session, and one item to consider the other 192 UN member states if required. That’s anti-Semitism. 70 percent of all the 2013 General Assembly resolutions criticizing specific countries for human rights abuses were about Israel. That’s anti-Semitsm…

Today, UN anti-Semitism has taken one more treacherous turn. The UN has launched a legal pogrom against the Jewish State. Hired guns; posing as independent arbiters… are appointed to discover what they’ve already found: guilty.”