On September 15, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said it is over $900,000 short of what is needed to adequately fund the monitoring of Iran’s nuclear activities.

This news comes as “the [temporary] deal agreed upon between Iran and the P5+1 group” in Geneva last year is supposed to be implemented.  

According to Chinese state media outlet Xinhua, Iran agreed to “suspend some controversial activities in exchange for relevant sanction relief in six moths [sic].” The talks ended on July 20 without an outright agreement, but with a temporary allowance in which, Reuters reports, Iran can access “a relatively small portion of an estimated $100 billion held abroad.” 

In exchange for access to these funds, Iran accepted “limits to its nuclear program” during the period between the end of talks in July and the resumption of them in November. These limitations are what the IAEA lacks monetary resources to monitor. 

Xinhua reports that IAEA chief Yukiya Amano told an IAEA board meeting that monitoring Iran’s activities will cost $1.29 million, of which only $387,650 has been pledged. This leaves the U.N. watchdog group $904,980 short of needed funds.

According to The Jerusalem Post, IAEA signaled its need for increased funding just days after the temporary agreement–binding only between talks–was struck in July. 

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