From the New York Daily News

Notorious flame-thrower Pamela Geller has paid $100,000 for advertisements showing ISIS beheading victim and Adolf Hitler. The ads will appear on 100 buses and at the entrances of the E. 59th St. station and the Columbus Circle station.

An incendiary ad campaign that includes an image of American journalist James Foley just before his beheading in Syria is coming to 100 MTA buses and two subway stations.

The ads, paid for by flame-throwing blogger Pamela Geller, at a cost of $100,000, are intended as an “education campaign” to warn of the “problem with jihad” and Islamic sharia law, Geller said.

The ad also contains a second photo, of the Briton suspected by some of being Foley’s killer. The Brit is shown in happier times, before he allegedly joined ISIS.

Read the rest at the New York Daily News.