After more than 600 US-led airstrikes against ISIS in the past two months, one thing is evident–the strikes are not slowing down ISIS recruitment. 

As October gives way to November, 1,000 fighters are coming into Syria to join ISIS each month, just as they were when August gave way to September and the US was readying to begin its air campaign in earnest.

According to The Washington Post, US officials contend that ISIS’ continued recruiting prowess is not a indicator of the success or failure of the air-strikes. Rather, they say the recruiting is illustrative of “the sophisticated recruiting campaigns orchestrated by groups in Syria such as the Islamic State and the relative ease with which militants from the Middle East, North Africa and Europe can make their way to [Syria]” to join ISIS.

Rand Corp’s Andrew Liepman says the airstrikes may have succeeded and failed at the same time. He says the US-led airstrikes have probably discouraged some militants from joining ISIS but have, at the same, provided others with “a rallying cry” to join in opposition to the US.

On October 30 Breitbart News reported that ISIS now has more land, money, and fighters than Al Qeada had on 9/11. 

On September 26 Breitbart News reported that retired US General David Petraeus said the battle against ISIS would be a long one, lasting “months or years, not days or weeks.” And he said boots on the ground will be required to secure final victory. 

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