Pope Francis spoke of “the many forms of poverty” that wound our world, highlighting what he called “the most dangerous misery” of all: “separation from God, and the presumption of thinking we can do without Him.”

This separation, Francis said, is “the cause of all other” forms of human misery.

The Pope spoke these words Saturday afternoon in an address to the Pope John XXIII Community Association.

Continuing on this theme, he said that “it is the presence of the Lord that marks the difference between the freedom of goodness and the slavery of evil.”

“The Lord’s presence,” Francis asserted, “broadens horizons, heals our thoughts and emotions, and gives us the strength to overcome difficulties and trials.” Where the Lord Jesus is present, the Pope said, “there is resurrection and there is life because He is the resurrection and the life.”

The Pope characterized being far from God as “the blind misery of thinking that the purpose of existence is material wealth, the quest for power and pleasure, and the subordination of others’ lives in order to achieve these objectives.”

“Faith truly moves the mountains of indifference and apathy, disinterest and sterile self-centeredness,” Francis continued. “Faith opens the door of charity, making us want to imitate Jesus, encourages us to do good, and giving us the courage to act on the example of the Good Samaritan,” he stated.

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